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拉斯维加斯赌城校内居住留学生须知 Notice for International Students who are Living on Campus 2020年02月05日 16:54 点击:[]
亲爱的留学生朋友们: Dearinternational students,
近段时间来,中国部分地区发生了新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,学校很关心同学们的健康和安全,请在校留学生们时刻关注自己的身体状态,合理安排学习生活,做好以下几点: Recently,the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) hasbeen breaking out in some places of China. Your safety and healthare the highest priority of HUHST. For students living on campus,please pay close attention to your physical condition, arrange your self-studyand life properly and do the following points: 1.严格做好各项防护措施,不要在校内外聚会,不要相互串宿舍,不要与来自疫情高发地区的人群以及有发热、咳嗽等症状的人群密切接触。 Pleasetake effective self-protective measures, do not gather on or off campus,do not visit other students in the dormitory, do not contact people from theareas where the respiratory illness is prevailing, and do not contact peoplewith fever, cough and other symptoms. 2.现在学校实行严格的出入制度,每周只能派2名学生代表出门采购一次。如无必要,请一定不要出校门!特殊原因必须出校门的,需提出申请且外出时间不得超过2小时,否则将不准入校。出宿舍后请戴上口罩,尽量选择步行,不要乘坐公共交通(公交、出租车等)。 Rightnow the University implements a strict exit-entry system, only 2 representativestudents could go outside to buy goods for one time per week. Please do notleave the University if not necessary! If you have to leave school for specificreasons, it is necessary to apply for permission from the teachers and returnto school in 2 hours, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter theUniversity. Please wear masks and walk rather than take public transportation(such as bus, taxi, and etc.). 3.需要回国的同学,请提前联系老师进行申请,收到同意回复后,方可离开。同时,学校将为同学们回国提供一定的帮助。回国的同学请不要早于2月24日前返校(具体时间以学校通知为主)。 Ifyou want to return to your home country, please apply before returning. It isnot allowed to leave unless you are admitted. In the meantime, the Universitywill provide necessary assistance. You are not allowed to return tothe University before Feb. 24(Thespecific time is subject to the official notice of the university). 4.以上要求请同学们严格执行,如有违反,将按照中国法律法规和拉斯维加斯赌城相关规定严肃处理! Pleaseabide by the above rules strictly. Those who violate the rules will be punishedseriously according to the Chinese law and regulations of HUHST! 感谢同学们的理解和配合! Thankyou for your understanding and cooperation.
拉斯维加斯赌城国际合作与交流中心 2020年2月5日 InternationalCooperation and Exchange center,HUHST February5th, 2020
上一条:2020届留学生在我国驻孟加拉国大使馆官网上发表“我的中国故事”文章 下一条:转发中共湖南省委外事工作委员会办公室《致在湘外籍人士、港澳同胞的一封公开信》 【关闭】 |
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